I think Netvibes is a cool and very useful online service. I am working on some modules of my own to make it even better. Here are the results so far.
- www.thesimpsonsquotes.com - Random Simpsons quotes from www.thesimpsonsquotes.com. Their random quote-page works perfectly but looks awful if you insert it with an IFRAME into Netvibes (it's very yellow!). So I wrote this module that extracts the quotes and displays them with a different layout. This was my first Netvibes module where I learned the basics of the Netvibes API.
- SL trafikinformation (Swedish) - Online traffic information for public transportations in Stockholm, Sweden. Extracts data from www.sl.se. Works, but is not finished. Built from the thesimpsonsquotes module.
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Page last updated: July 11 2006.